We are keen advocates of growth. This is why we’ve dedicated a series of soft skills training to lead individuals to proficiency by leveraging high-quality programs, in three central areas:

  • Interpersonal Skills
  • Intra-personal Skills
  • Communication Skills

Enjoy choosing amongst a wide selection of top-notch training topics by iLEAD. Each soft skill program includes job aids, tools, self-assessments, and techniques for immediate on-the-job application. They are common world-wide business requirements, enabling individuals to deliver fundamental business functions.

Check out some of our top-selling programs:

  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Body Language
  • Stress Management
  • Anger Management
  • Time & Priority Management
  • Presentation Skills
  • Critical Thinking
  • Active Listening & Asking Questions
  • Self-Leadership
  • Problem Solving

Looking for another soft skill? Here’s the list