Digital Marketing seems to be constantly evolving with the emergence of new apps and social networks updates. In order for the brands to stay ahead of the competition, it’s crucial that they keep up to date with the latest trends.

According to BW Business World, the Top Digital Trends in 2020 are:

1- Rise of Voice Search

Instead of a traditional typed Google inquiry, users are now using search engines voice search since its quicker and easier; In order to be prepared businesses shall optimize their website for voice specific keywords.

2- Additional Growth of Influencer Marketing

Influencers Marketing have risen in the past 2 years and due to the success stories, that happened, this sector will continue to grow and we will see more brands pick up this trend and partner with influencers.

However, brands are looking more on collaborating with micro-influencers as macro-influencers are becoming less idolized.

3- Multichannel Marketing is proving to bring higher results

Marketing across multiple platforms (such as social media, apps, email and blog) is gaining traction so businesses can connect with customers on more touchpoints.

4- AI-powered technology and automation to assist businesses marketing efforts

According to Adobe BlogSpot, Marketing automation drives 14.5% sales productivity, because AI allows you to understand who your customers really are. AI segments customers based on their activity, purchasing habits, behavioral traits, and various other metrics. Each segment is labeled based on the personalities they exhibit, called buyer personas.

5- User-generated content (UGC) is on the rise

User-generated content (UGC) has grown in popularity with the proliferation of social media. It can take a number of forms — including product reviews, product ratings, Q&As, social media posts, photos, and videos.

According to UGC company Photoslurp, integrating UGC content across the shopping journey can increase online sales by 15%.

6- Video Storytelling

Video Production and viewership have risen in the past years. All forms of videos whether short or long are growing on all social media platforms including YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat,


Furthermore, for brands to succeed in their digital strategy it is important for them to work with a team of digital experts in order to increase their business’ online presence.

ILEAD team of digital and social media experts offers their clients a detailed digital strategy that includes audits and best practices in order to be ahead from the competitors.